Kanye West Says “Follow God” in Jesus is King Album Yet Takes Pride in Following Donald Trump

Kanyes West finally released his “Jesus is King” album last October 25, 2019 but so far, the track included songs that freaked out fans and nearly everyone who never developed a liking for Kanye as a person.

One song, “Follow God” in particular seems not to be genuinely coming from Kanye’s heart if he truly meant following Jesus. Through the song, Kanye tries to convey struggles in living the life of a public figure and of trying to stay in the right path by following what his “Father” tells him as Christ-like.

Yet, Kanye beseeching with the intro line “Father, I stretch, stretch my hands to you,” lacks sincerity.

What Kanye Actually Says, Wants or Follows are Not Exactly “Christ-like.”

It is quite difficult to reconcile the rapper’s desire to truly follow God when matched with his plans and views.

First off, Kanye recently proclaimed himself in an interview as

“unquestionably, undoubtedly, the greatest human artist of all time,”

Apparently, Kanye has no qualms about narcissism or vanity just like his counterculture demigod, Donald Trump. In fact he takes pride in being a follower of a leader who heralds himself as “the most successful president in the history of America.” Regardless of what Trump and Kanye have achieved, both are obviously not aware that vanity is not at all Christ-like.

Kanye scoffs at those who criticize him for supporting Trump by saying his endorsement is a delivery of a “divine “joke” on the democrats.

Secondly, Kanye West envisions himself as the next U.S. president by year 2024; hardly the best plan for one who dislikes being a public figure. Still, he is sure it will happen, since he prophetically told DJ Pharris of Chicago’s Power 92 radio station that “If I decide to do it, it will be done.” The rapper asserts that he is not going to try since he is 100 percent sure that it would happen in 2024.


Although Kanye says he will be a centrist by also adhering to Bernie Sanders’ policies, he contradicts himself by saying that once he becomes the president, he will make sure that the medical industry will flourish.

Seriously, in listening to Kanye’s “Follow God”, one cannot help but wonder who Kanye is referring to as the father or god he intends to follow.

Read More Kanye West Says “Follow God” in Jesus is King Album Yet Takes Pride in Following Donald Trump
October 26, 2019

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