Double-Neck Guitars 101
Electric guitars are quite popular but there are some performers who are using multi-neck guitars. These guitars have 2 fretboard necks and at the same time, come in electric and acoustic versions. The most popular type in the music industry is double neck guitar. Normally, this has a dozen strings on upper or top neck and then, six strings in its lower neck.
Additionally, there are double-neck guitars that are combining bass guitar and six-string guitar. The necks might be on just a single side or either neck of the instrument.
What’s with a Multi-Neck?
Regardless of the configuration, the primary objective of a multi-neck guitar is to help musicians in switching between the guitar sounds similar to six-string electric to bass effortlessly.
The best part is, it can be done without changing guitars while playing in the middle of performance. With several necks as well as different available tuning, guitar players can find quick alternatives for pitches and sounds.
As a matter of fact, multi-neck guitars were quite popular in the 70s when guitarists like to make changes on its tones that may be achieved with the effects on their guitar. These pieces of musical equipment kept being used with innovations in pedal technology and sound effects. Some are just using double-neck guitar mostly for showmanship or performance factor and not for necessity.
Are Multi-Necks Important?
Bear in mind that multi-neck guitars are oftentimes bulkier, heavier and more unwieldy. Such guitars might exceptional quality in terms of functionality or tonal range. With regards to performance though, it becomes a challenge to play it. Try to think of it, how can you comfortably and efficiently play the bottom neck, how you are going to hold it and the likes.
Fundamentals of Playing a Multi-Neck
Simply speaking, playing multi-neck guitar is playing two guitars that are fused into one. The techniques used will depending on what type of configuration you have.
So how you can simplify your playing techniques particularly if your physique is limiting you from doing such thing? Well, the ideal option is by using a mount to hold the equipment in a comfortable position and take the weight and strain away from your body. It might not look that cool as you are holding it yourself, but you need to decide whether being assisted when playing or not having the ability to play at all because you cannot handle the weight.
Just remember to always do research before you buy something whether it is multi-neck guitar, finding the best crossbow to buy and whatnot to always make the right decision.