Very Informative And Useful Canon Camera Reviews And Making Good Music Videos

Canon is a Japanese brand that has become one of the most respected and recognized camera brands in the market, from its famous DSLRs, their superb mirrorless cameras to their simple yet high-quality point-and-shoot camera models.

Because of the multitude of camera models the brand has, it may be tricky to determine which model of Canon camera will best match your needs. provides very informative and useful Canon camera reviews to determine what you need exactly and help you in your purchasing decisions.

As there are numerous elements to take into consideration prior to investing your money into a camera, whether you are a beginner or a professional, not only will these very informative and useful Canon camera reviews provide you the information you need, but also a list of the top 2020 Canon cameras in the market so you wont have to look far.

Music Video Shooting Tips

Cameras aren’t only used for photography as they could also be used for videography, such as creating a music video. Although having a good kind of camera is a factor to creating a good music video, you also have to know how to manipulate the camera and work with the environment. Below are some tips to consider to create a good music video.

  • Have a Plan. It is necessary to have a plan for your music video rather than storyboarding the whole project. And when you formulate a plan, be extra creative as this would make your music videos more amazing.
  • Keep It Simple and Be Open to Change. Music videos need a good balance of the idea of the music artist as well as the music video production agency, but make certain to have enough space for improvisation as well as improvement. Keep things simple as well since too much or overdoing things may mess up your music video.
  • Determine your Locations. Choosing one to three places to shoot your music video is good enough, and make sure to look for locations that will support your plot and go well with the music. If you decide to shoot at night, make certain you have enough lights and if you are shooting during the day, learn to regulate the light. Also, you may need certain licenses to be able to shoot.