Is it Okay to Listen to Music While Driving a Motorcycle?

The question “is it okay to listen to music while driving a motorcycle?” is probably the most asked question to me ever since I started owning a motorcycle. It is usually asked by those people who are planning to buy a motorcycle and at the same time very fond of music, and of course my co-drivers. I have seen on my fellow drivers that prior to wearing their helmets, they will first put on their wireless earphones. Majority do this, but there are also those who preferred not to listen to music because they feel like it will be too dangerous.

Although I keep on saying that, personally, it is fine to listen to music while driving, the real question is whether it is really safe to ride a two wheeled vehicle while listening to music? or would it be more safe to ride without any form of distraction? While in some countries, it is allowed to drive while there is music, there are countries that prohibit this such as California. This is because there are lots of motorcycle accident that are caused by distractions such as music. It is either too loud or the music genre is inappropriate. Also, another possible cause is that driver was not wearing protective gears such as helmet, gloves, etc. To prevent bruises and wounds from accidents, I advise you to visit

Does Music Really Create Distraction?

There are a lot of studies about music as a form of distraction because it does not really help someone concentrate, but instead hinder you to perform properly. If you are still confused why music is dangerous, check the examples below:

1. The music is very noisy or loud– while driving, especially on open air, it is important to hear background noise such as the sound of other vehicle. Also we usually aim for relaxation, too much loud music can be a hindrance.

2. Your favorite music may cause you harm–  you may find this quite hard to believe, but is some cases, this is true. If your favorite music is playing while you are driving, chances are you will make a mistake, forget something, because your focus is on the song.

November 6, 2019