Social Network: Music Affects Customers Brain
The brain perceives things that you cannot understand. You remember things and store them in your memory quite unconsciously.
A number of studies have tracked how your brain responds to music. Social media networks know the importance of music. They use it often when posting content. Even when you change your username on some platforms, you can see how they integrate background music.
Social networks: Interesting facts about how music affects customers’ brain
There are few activities that fully engage the brain, and music is one of them
A scientific study tracks what goes on in the heads of several people while listening to music. The research found that music reached levels and areas of the brain that nothing else had engaged before. According to scientists, music can activate the emotional, motor, and creative parts of the brain.
Music is to the brain as food is to the body
Dopamine is released from the brain. It is responsible for making you feel the euphoria that is associated with addictions, sex, and even eating. Dopamine allows you to feel the pleasure of all these activities. Your brain needs music like your body needs food to exist to unload and deal with accumulated emotions.
Emotional engagement
You choose your favorite songs based on context. While you change your music tastes and interests based on the latest hits, your long-lasting preferences have been shown to be based on the emotional engagement a particular song creates.
Listening to a sad or upbeat song can affect your perception of the world
The brain is always comparing the information coming from the eyes about what you expect from the world with what you know about it. As a final result, the idea of your reality is formed in your brain. Therefore, happy songs that lift your mood and make you see the world differently change your perception.
Earworm – a song that is lodged in your head
The so-called earworm is a mental itch in the brain. He appears so that he can fill in the gaps in the rhythm of the song. In other words, the brain continues to “sing” to itself even after the song is over.
Playing a musical instrument can develop reasoning skills and fine motor skills
A study on children revealed that those who played a musical instrument for 3 years or more had better motor skills. Furthermore, although the skills of making judgments and using a rich vocabulary have nothing to do with music, research has shown that in fact, music influences these qualities to be developed in children.